

Jukka Rantanen has 20+ years of experience with development and manufacturing of medicinal products.

Since 2006, he has been working at the University of Copenhagen as a professor of pharmaceutical technology and engineering at the Department of Pharmacy.

He received his Ph.D. from the University of Helsinki (Finland) in 2001, completed postdoctoral visit at the Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy (Purdue University, IN, USA) in 2003, and joined the faculty at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) in 2006 as a full professor. Since 2017, he has been appointed as a guest professor at Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (China).

Jukka Rantanen is a recipient of the APV (Int. Association of Pharmaceutical Technology)

Research Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2016 and

AAPS (American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences) Outstanding Graduate Research

Award in Pharmaceutical Technologies in 2001. Additionally, his PhD thesis was appointed

the best PhD thesis of the year 2000 at the University of Helsinki.

Jukka Rantanen is serving in Editorial boards for several journals within pharmaceutical

sciences and he is currently section editor for Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. He is one of the editors

for the Wiley book on Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals.